Monday 15 February 2016


Political news:

We can laugh at Trump. But we cannot and must not laugh at what is fueling his candidacy. Parties that evolve from feelings of disaffection and alienation like those in Europe today and in the past are capable of horrors as they have so often proven. For that reason no American should see the recent Trump victory as anything less than a call to arms to stop the further degradation of U.S. democracy by thugs. We must recognize that if we don’t hear the concerns that are fueling the rise of this group, if we don’t see and challenge the missteps by media elites and pundits who have enabled the legitimization of their views, then we are inviting the rise of forces that are a greater threat to our country — and its values — than any of the terrorists or foreign bogeymen that have dominated the conversations in our presidential debates to date


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